Friday, February 22, 2008

Baby Gear : Strollers...

ok.. this is not the first subject that springs to mind when people start looking at baby gear, but it is one that we spent considerable amount researching..

Our general considerations for a stroller were:
- Comfortable
- Good suspension (we live close to the beach, and plan to spend a considerable amount of time walking around the santa monica promenade and the beach)
- Good design (we like well designed products that look good without costing an arm and a leg)
- Medium cost (400 - 700) for a complete system
- Single solution that could take us from 0 - 2.5 years
- Washable (all fabric removable and machine washable)
- Accessories (storage, rain cover, sun cover, insect cover, etc)

After a long ardous process, we narrowed the field down to the following systems:

- Bugaboo (Chameleon, Bee, Frog or Gecko)
- Quinny Buzz with a Maxi Cosi Car Seat and a Bassinet
- Uppa Vista
- Maxi Cosi Foray
- Orbit

We will provide a quick analysis of each of these systems in the next few emails..




We are the proud parents of a boy who was born on the 31st of Jan, and have started this blog to document our experiences as we began our journey to parenthood, and were rudely accosted by information overload about baby clothes, infant care, baby gear, college savings, parenting philosophies and other such arcane topics... Having spent a considerable amount of time filtering through all that noise, we decided to share our knowledge with other excited and anxious parents..

We will continue to update the blog over the years, and hope that it will provide useful information to fellow travelers...